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8 Blog Topic Ideation Techniques That Actually Work!


Coming up with fresh content on a regular basis is more difficult than it may seem. The truth is that sometimes you hit a wall and simply don’t know how to move past it.

What a lot of content marketers don’t talk about is how hard it can be to come up with great blog topics after the keyword research is all said and done. It is similar to having somebody hand you a grocery bag full of ingredients and saying, “Make something delicious out of this.” We’re not all professional chefs, are we?

You type title after title and start draft after draft, but nothing feels right. So what do you do? We have some techniques to help facilitate inspired blog topic ideation, but first, let’s talk about why you should even bother posting blogs.

Why You NEED to Post Blogs

We realize that the easiest solution is to stop writing blogs altogether and focus your efforts elsewhere, but this isn’t really a solution, is it?

Blogging is a critical aspect of digital marketing. Blogs help establish your knowledge as an industry authority, get your website backlinks that boost your Google rankings, and bring users into your sales funnel that you normally wouldn’t have been able to reach.

You may think to yourself, “I’m not a blogger. I own a business!” or “I have a marketing degree, not a degree in creative writing!” You may believe that you can have a successful online marketing strategy without blogging, but we are very sorry to inform you that this is simply not the case. Here are some numbers that prove how important blogging really is.

  • Websites with blogs have 434% more indexed pages.
  • Companies that blog regularly receive 97% more links to their websites.
  • 77% of internet users read blogs.
  • 72% of online marketers claim content creation is their most effective SEO tactic.
  • Internet users in the United States spend three times more time on blogs than they do on email.

With those kinds of numbers, you can see how important blogging is to growing your business.

How to Ideate Blog Topics When You Feel Stuck

Now that you know how imperative it is to post blogs to your site, let’s take a look at eight ways you can come up with blog ideas when you are feeling a little less than creative.

Child-raising-hand1. Answer Questions

Yes, the tried and true who, what, when, where, why, and how. Look for questions that you can answer using keywords. Use tools (SEMrush has a fantastic topic research tool) that will show you frequently asked questions containing your desired keyword.

Questions are a great way to generate blog content. A lot of people type their searches in the form of a question, and you can be the one to give them an answer. This pulls users into your sales funnel, which could generate some high-quality leads!

2. Analyze Google Trends

Google Trends is a free tool that tells you how often people search for your desired keyword and the geographical location that receives the most searches for that keyword. It also presents some related topics and queries. Google Trends is an excellent first line of defense when you are feeling stuck. The only downside to this tool is that they give you a pretty limited number of related topics and queries.

3. Perform Some Research!

If you have found a keyword that performs well but do not have a lot of knowledge on the topic, then it’s time to do some research.

The type of research you perform will depend on your industry. For example, if you are an interior designer, your research might take place on Instagram or popular interior design blogs. On the other hand, if you own a chiropractic office, your research might analyze recent medical studies relating to spinal adjustment.

The point is to gather some interesting information and start writing. You don’t need to worry too much about correcting grammar or formatting. Get your ideas onto the page and return with a fresh set of eyes to perform edits.

In that same vein, take a look at news stories related to your industry. You might find an interesting article, which you can reference when writing an opinion piece on the topic.

4. Go to Local Events and Industry Meet-Ups

In most cities and larger towns, there are meet-up groups you can join that are related to your industry. You can also attend local trade shows and seminars to get ideas for your next blog post or write about your experience at the event. Writing about events in your area is a great way to attract local business.

5. Look Back at Old Blog Posts

Sometimes, going back and reading your older blog posts can give you ideas for new ones. Look at the subheadings you used and determine if you can write a blog post about any of those points. For example, let’s say you included a small section on backlinking in an old post about writing effective blog posts; why not write a new post that solely focuses on backlinking?

Looking back at blog posts also gives you an opportunity to update what you wrote in the past. Did you write a post about how technology was changing the world back in 2014? You should write a similar post containing updated content and information!

6. Interview Someone in Your Industry


Interviewing someone in your industry is a great way to add fresh, relevant content to your website. Oh, and it is a great way to get a backlink! Inform your social media followers about who you will be interviewing and ask them to provide any questions they might have.

Make sure you use the voice recorder on your phone during the interview. You will be mad at yourself if you miss important information because you tried to record everything using pen and paper.

7. Review Products

You may not be a huge YouTube influencer or Instagram model, but that doesn’t mean you can’t try products and give them reviews. Make sure your review is honest and polite. If you bash the product you are reviewing, it could hurt your brand’s image.

Reviews are another blog ideation technique that helps produce both content and valuable backlinks. After you review a product, especially if the product knocked your socks off, reach out to the manufacturer or company owner and ask them if they would like to share your review link on their website or social media page. This is an excellent way to build your online presence.

8. Do Something Else

If you are feeling really frustrated, step away from the blank document and do something else. Work on another project, take a walk, or meditate. Do whatever it takes to get that blinking cursor out of your head.

We get it. You probably have a deadline looming over your head and think that taking a break would be nothing more than a waste of time. However, we find that taking a twenty-minute brain break helps the creative juices flow freely. Never hesitate to take a step away from your computer.

We hope these ideas and topic ideation techniques inspired some creativity within you. We know you can create fantastic blog content for your brand. You just need to put forth the effort and embrace a positive mindset. In the meantime, read this article we wrote about optimizing blog posts for search engines!

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